Featured Grant: Cannonball’s WaveMaker Grant for South Florida Artists

Last year, April Dobbins was awarded Cannonball’s WaveMaker grant for her Alabamland documentary film project. The funding helped to cover production costs for the film’s summer shoot in July 2016. Without the grant, Dobbins would have had to find alternative funding for her project. The Cycle 3 application for the grant is opening soon. 

From the WaveMaker site

WaveMaker Grants brings critical support to the growing number of innovative, artist-driven endeavors that make up Miami-Dade County’s burgeoning cultural landscape. WaveMaker Grants focuses on experimental, artist-centric projects and activities that operate without traditional funding sources and outside the demands of the marketplace.

WaveMaker Grants provides monetary awards—individual grants of up to $10,000—to foster the development of non-commercial, non-institutional projects that are accessible to the public via process, presentation, production, or publication, and profoundly impact the critical, intellectual, and creative depth of Miami’s vibrant arts community.

Though remaining flexible and responsive, WaveMaker Grants presently offers support in the following three categories:

New Work/Projects: To support the creation and presentation of new work or projects that are artist-driven, artist-centric, and innovative in concept and form.

Long-Haul Projects: In response to Miami’s seemingly insatiable appetite for what is new, fast, and fashionable, this category supports the continuation or completion of existing long-term projects, highlighting the value in the time, focus, and determination required to take-on and ultimately finish lengthy artistic pursuits. 

R&D/Implementation: To support research and development for ambitious new projects that require a longer period of planning. Upon completion of the R & D phase of this category, grantees will be invited to submit a short-form proposal to receive additional funds to implement their projects. 

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